Home Load calculation for buying Inverter Battery- How to Calculate?

Home Load calculation for buying Inverter Battery

If you’re looking to buy an inverter battery, you need to select the maximum volt and capacity of the battery that is capable to handle your home load. So, home load calculation is very much required to select the right kind of battery.

Now a days when life has gone so forward in technology and other fields, the shortage of electricity and load shedding is still an issue in some countries of the world. Despite the fact that we are in 21st century, the problem is still there. There are a lot of things in our homes that we cannot afford losing power for them. Home load calculation for solar system is also pretty simple.

For example, if you have a personal computer desktop and you are working from home, that you cannot afford any loss of time due to electricity shutdown. 

Also, in case of any emergency, a good battery backup will really give your home the power it needs for several hours. Hence, your work or studies will be uninterrupted and seamless and can have the power until electricity comes again. 

Types of batteries

There are a lot of batteries found in the market of inverter batteries. Here we will discuss the types of batteries and which will be appropriate for your usage. Let’s begin.

There are two types of batteries Tall batteries and short batteries. Tall batteries, as the name suggests, has more power storing capacities than a short battery. If you are living in an area where electricity outage is more and voltage fluctuation is high, then a tall battery is recommended, otherwise, you can use a short battery. 

In short batteries, there are again two types of batteries Flat Plate and Tubular. Flat plate takes more space than a tubular battery. This battery is very economical and budget friendly. Almost everyone can buy a flat plate battery and it is really useful for someone who is living in an area where load shedding schedule is normal and less battery backup is needed.

On the other hand, a tubular battery takes less space than a flat plate battery. This battery is made to last longer and has more backup power using minimum space. If you have less space to accommodate a full-size battery but still you need battery backup for a longer time, then a tubular battery is preferred. You can assess your need and buy the inverter battery according to your home load.

Choosing a suitable Inverter?

Battery is not the only thing that you need to consider for your home load. You need to do the home load calculation for inverter battery to select the right model and size of the inverter.

If you are planning to have a bigger battery then a bigger inverter will be used and if you need a small battery backup and for less time then there is no need for a bigger inverter. A small-sized inverter will do the job. 

You need to calculate the load of your home and for that here we will discuss the load calculation tips and formula of how you can calculate the desired amount of load.

How to Calculate Home load for buying the right battery?

Home Load calculation for buying Inverter Battery

Home load calculation for inverter battery is very much related with the battery back up time. So, let us first understand the backup time calculation and you’ll be able to select the right battery.

Calculation of the battery backup time given on many sites and in many different ways. But here, let me share the easiest and simplest way of calculating the backup time:

Capacity (Ah) x Input Voltage (V) / Total Load (in Watts) =Backup time (hours)

But, let’s not leave it here. We will take an elaborate example to understand this formula.

For example, you have a battery with a total voltage of 12V and the capacity of your inverter battery is 250 Ah. Now, let’s see what things you need to provide backup power:

  • 3 Fan = 75 x 3 = 225 Watts
  • 5 light bulbs = 15 x 5 = 75 Watts
  • 1 TV box = 25 x 1 = 25 Watts

In this assumed case, the total home load is 225 + 75 + 25 = 325 Watts.

For solar load calculator the criteria remains the same.

Now if we use these figures and put them in formula given above then we will know the total battery backup that we will need;

250 Ah x 12 V / 325 Watts = 9.2 hours.

Hence, if we see in this case, the inverter battery will last up to 9.2 hours. You can take help with the Inverter Load calculation spreadsheet too.

Let’s take a few more examples by keeping everything else same and changing the battery capacity;

With 350 Ah Capacity

With a 350 Ah capacity, let’s calculate the total backup time,

350 Ah x 12 V / 325 Watts = 12.9 hours

Battery will last for a full 12 hours.

With 190 Ah Capacity

With a 190 Ah capacity, let’s calculate the total backup time,

190 Ah x 12 V / 325 Watts = 7.01 hours

In this case the battery will last almost 7 hours.

Now you have got this easy formula that will help you make a very informative decision. Just put the values in this formula and do the home load calculation for the inverter. The bigger the battery size will be the more hours of backup you will get.

How to increase your Inverter Battery backup time?

Getting a longer battery backup is the main reason behind all this. There are several ways and tactics you can use to increase the backup time. Let’s discuss some here,

· 1. Increase Battery size

Well, obviously, the first and most important thing is to increase the battery size. As we have seen in our formula above, it is clearly shown that increase in battery size can increase the time of backup time and small battery will give you less hours.

2. Decrease the load

Less load on a small battery will give more backup hours than a more load on a huge battery. It is common sense that if you want to increase the backup time of the battery, just cut down the load and use only necessary things and get longer battery life.

3. Avoid over charging

One of the most under discussed tactic. Use a good inverter or device with your battery that do not over charge the battery and shuts down when the battery is charged to 100%. Over charging a fully charged battery can decrease the life of battery.

How to calculate the electrical load of a house in India?

It is very simple.  Here are few steps

  1. Add wattage capacity of all appliances
  2. Subtract 10000 from total sum
  3. Divide resulting number by Volts

Final Words

I hope this gives you a clear idea about inverter battery back up time, capacity and it will help you to choose the right inverter battery. Use this information above, find out your desired load and select the suitable inverter battery for your home or work space. You can use these tactics to increase the battery life and get yourself a long lasting battery backup.

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